Choose A Nice Coffee Cup for Yourself

    2019-03-29 10:20:37

    For many of us, we drink coffee when we get up early. Just as rockets need fuel, coffee can make us wake up. However, some experts believe that it is necessary to wait for some time to get the best effect of caffeine, because it is most effective to drink coffee from 9:30 to 11:30 in this period.
    According to neurologist expert of the University of Maryland's University of Health Sciences, it is best to drink coffee when the level of hormone cortisol in the body is low, because caffeine and hormones interact. He explained that when people drink coffee at a high cortisol level between 8 and 9 am, the body is resistant to caffeine and is not very effective.

    Choose A Nice Coffee Cup for Yourself
    According to the Daily Telegraph, cortisol controls the body's biological clock, making people feel very awake. The level of hormones in the human body is usually higher after just waking up, but it begins to decline after about an hour. Expert believes that it is because of this decline in cortisol levels that people get the most benefit from the caffeine contained in coffee - caffeine can boost the spirit, stimulate cortisol production when cortisol hormones drop, and the human body The absorption of caffeine is not resisted by cortisol. He explained that cortisol levels peaked at noon and between 5:30 and 6:30, which means that these two periods are not the best time to drink coffee.
    The level of cortisol that each person receives at different times of the day varies from person to person, meaning that the optimal time to drink coffee each day varies from person to person. For example, people who start very early may find that their cortisol levels are earlier than those of those who are late, which helps to convert energy into sugar using cells in the body. But basically the best effect of caffeine is best between 9:30 and 11:30.
    Now that you have the right time to drink coffee, you can choose a suitable coffee cup for yourself. Here I can recommend you a platform where you can see lots of coffee cup, its name is Sellers Union Online. Sellers Union Online, which provides services of wholesale and customization of daily necessities, it is an online trade service platform. On the platform you can find kinds of low price/high quality/hot sales coffee cups.

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