How To Choose A Safe Hand Warmer?

    2017-10-31 18:52:32

    The weather is getting cold. Women afraid of the cold may think about buying a hand warmer. So how to choose a safe hand warmer?

    1. Choose the right style

    It is understood that the current circulation of warm hands treasure on market basically has electrode type and the heating wire type two kinds, the former are prone to leakage and explosion danger, relatively low in terms of security, has been clear on banning the production and sales.

    But because they are similar in appearance, ordinary consumers often have difficulty distinguishing accurately.

    Both distinguish, professional personnel warns customer, electrode type electric warming hot water bag in the heater is generally small, touch can feel with the handbag has two hard cylinders, which is used for hot two electrodes.

    And the heater in the electric hot wire is much larger, touching a plastic coil device with a diameter of about seven or eight centimeters.

    With this touch, it can be easily recognized whether it is an electrode or electric heating.

    Select tips:

    1)Touch the charging port. If it's a lump of stuff, it's electric. If it's a tough little stick, it's the electrode type.

    2)Touch the explosion-proof layer. Some electric hot water bags are multi-layered.

    3)Touch the skin, some will use the flannelette analog, this kind of relatively warm, not to burn, those surface very poor materials just run out of electricity very easy to cause hot to the body.

    Therefore, a good electric hot water bag should be a multi-layer, suitable for the outer skin, a hot silk hot water bag.

    2. Look at the bonding strength of the water-filled mouth and the bag-body rubber

    The adhesion area can be turned over by hand and the joints should be free of cracks and degumming.

    The adhesion of the filling port and the bag body rubber should be firm.

    3. Check the water opening screw of the hot water bag with no sliding teeth

    If there is a slippery tooth, the hot water bag is easy to leak, choose when choosing the thread cover surface smooth, thread clear hot water bag.

    4. Look at the bright colors of the hot water bags

    Bright red hot water bags indicate that the raw materials used to make hot water bags are purer and the production process is more tightly controlled.

    5. The hot water bottle is free of pollution

    Hot water bags are due to contact with human skin.

    There should be no color migration on the surface of hot water bags.

    The simple discriminant method can be used to clean hot water bag?

    Whether the cotton wool is polluted by color, the lighter the pollution, the smaller the color migration.

    6. The hand feeling of hot water bag is flexible whether good

    Stretch a hot water bag and let it go. The easier it is to get back to the original hot water bag, the better the elasticity, the higher the rubber content, and the less filling agent.

    7. Power supply

    When the choose and buy electric heating hot water bag, to see whether it's the power cord is in good condition, and then look at electric heating power line interface if there is a crack on the bag or other security hidden danger, such as the power cord if the three holes in the interface has three pillars of metal sheet metal, the interface is not the same length.

    8. Choose regular stores and brands

    First of all, we need to go to the regular mall and supermarket, select the factory name site, production license, use instruction, qualified certificate and other products with complete information.


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