How to Grow Container Roses

    2017-04-20 14:56:32

    Rose is "flower of love". In particular, on February 14, the Western Valentine's Day, the lunar January 15, July 7, Oriental Valentine's Day, in the river of love young people, are dedicated to their own heart to express their feelings. In the ancient Greek mythology, the roses set love and beauty in one, both the embodiment of the beauty of God, but also into the blood of love God. It can be said that in the world, the rose is used to express the common language of love, the formation of a never withered rose flower language culture.

    Growing roses in containers means you can easily transport them from place to place, and they add beauty and fragrance to any home or garden.
    You Will Need:A plastic flowerpot or clay container, watering can, Artificial soil,A rose,Water,Fish emulsion fertilizer or Epsom salt,Sunlight
    STEP 1 Choose a plastic flowerpot or clay container with good drainage and adequate room for root growth.
    Choose a 16-inch or larger container to reduce watering and heat build-up problems.
    STEP 2 Fill the container two-thirds full with artificial soil.
    STEP 3 Place the rose over the artificial soil and fill the area around it with more soil. The bud onion should be level with the soil line.
    STEP 4 Water the rose until water comes out of the bottom of the pot. Water every day or every other day, keeping the soil damp.
    Spot-check for dryness by inserting a finger an inch into the soil. If the soil is dry, you need to water your rose.
    STEP 5 Feed your rose with fish emulsion fertilizer or Epsom salt once a week to produce substantial blossoms.
    STEP 6 Place your rose container where it will get a minimum of 7 hours sunlight a day.
    STEP 7 Show off your beautiful container roses to neighbors, friends, and family.

    Rose as a home decoration is also comfortable.These can be done with your child at the time of the holidays, Do you know that when a parent can accompany the child's game?  it does not depend on time but on quality. Let the kids like the parent-child game between you.


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