Communicative Skills: Five Principles to be Followed by Women in Party

    2017-04-06 17:22:13

    Whenever the holiday comes, it is always inevitable to attend the party, the following teach you a few tips, so you no longer embarrassed at the party.

    Step 1: Keep moving
    When walking into the room, scan the room and see who want to go up and talk to. Make sure you get moving straight away as the longer you stand still, the harder it is to get going.
    Step 2: Active listening
    To show the person who is speaking that you are listening, use eye contact and nod as they talk, pacing it in time with their speech. Don't look away as this gives the impression that you are getting bored or distracted. Face them front on and make sure your gestures are in pace with theirs. Also, mirror their gestures and this will make you look like a good listener.
    Step 3: Breaking into a group
    Look for the biggest gap in the group, stand in this gap and look at the people either side of you. Then direct your active listening signals to the speaker. Don't interrupt, but join in with the pace of the group, copying the rest of the group which will create bonding. Wait until the speaker has finished then talk about something they have just said, so you tag their conversation. Then you start speaking, but introduce yourself quickly to the other people first.
    Step 4: If it doesn't work
    Don't keep standing there. Wait a few seconds, and if they still don't let you in, pretend to wave to someone across the room and make a quick exit from the group.
    Step 5: Smiling
    Even though it's the most primitive sign of introduction, it's easy to forget to do it. A good, genuine looking smile will make you look more positive and approachable. Smile with your eyes as well as your mouth.
    If you do not like to attend a formal party, you can organize interesting parties yourself, such as masked party, pajamas party, Halloween party, do you know how to prepare a party, this site has all the party decorations, festival items you want, party supplies. Open it and let you become the king of the party.

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